Our dedicated tax team is comprised of experienced tax professionals with strong asset management backgrounds, sourced primarily from the Big Four, Hedge Funds and other Fund Administrators. Together, they have crafted a close working relationship with a wide range of the world’s leading audit and tax firms. Operating on a unique single database model and using dynamic reporting tools, our people have a proven ability to handle complex client requirements and short notice requests. Our tax services are customized to your specific needs and requirements.
The HedgeServ tax team is offered to enhance your tax department or to be your outsourced tax department. By engaging our tax team, you can reduce risk while receiving more accurate and timely tax reporting. Our tax team utilizes various proprietary tools and analyses to help you monitor and manage your portfolios in a timely and tax efficient manner. Our tax specialists will work with you to create customized tax planning reports and dashboards to help increase operational efficiencies and improve portfolio management.