Middle Office

Complete middle office service and product coverage allows clients to realize the full benefits of outsourcing.

HedgeServ’s Middle Office is a seamless extension of you. We support the full suite of services in any or all regions across the globe utilizing our best-in-class tools combined with our product and process expertise. For each client, we construct a responsive client-aligned team and bespoke client-defined post-trade deliverables customized to your unique portfolio and business requirements. We reduce the operational costs, risks, and inefficiencies inherent in traditional middle office outsourcing, such as spreadsheet dependencies, disparate data sources, time zone mismatches, and duplication of efforts which results in the cleanest and most real-time trade status in the industry.

Core Middle Office Services

  • Trade capture
  • Security life-cycle management (corporate actions, cash flows, factors, maturities, expirations, etc)
  • Daily portfolio pricing including theoretical OTC valuations
  • Top day transaction, position, and pnl reporting
  • Market data management
  • Private Credit Loan Servicing

Enhanced Middle Office Services

  • Cash Optimization
  • Bank loan closing
  • Trade confirmation
  • Trade settlement
  • Trade break resolution
  • OTC trade cash confirmation
  • Trade-level tagging (trader, strategy, sector, etc)
  • PB/custodian trade allocation notification
  • Delivery of data to 3rd parties


  • Wire Servicing
  • Hazeltree Cash Manager
  • Hazeltree Margin Manager
  • Hazeltree Securities Finance
  • Cash optimization
Client Aligned Teams

Trade level tagging

24x5 Custom Coverage Model

Bilateral derivative confirm support

Single Database Model

Trade affirmations / confirmation

Custom Client Enabled On Demand Reporting

Bank loan servicing

Trade Settlement support for all product types

Proprietary Allocation Fee Calculation Software

Collateral management

Proprietary Price Verification Tools

Trade break resolution support for all product types

Proprietary Reconciliation Tools

Treasury services

Retain Real-Time Confidence

Complementary Extension of the Client

HedgeServ reduces the operational costs, risks, and inefficiencies inherent in traditional middle office outsourcing, such as spreadsheet dependencies, disparate data sources, time zone mismatches, and duplication of efforts.

For each client, HedgeServ constructs a responsive, client-aligned middle office service team (without silos) as well as client-defined post-trade workflows and reporting customized to their unique portfolio and business requirements.

The co-sourced, shared HedgeServ platform helps clients realize the benefits of outsourcing middle office functions (including flexibility and scale to trade new markets, products, volumes) without sacrificing oversight, controls, or quality.


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